Multi-channel solution
Consistent view of customer data across all channels (self-service, CRM, Customer Service).
Telecommunication and virtual
MVNO operators
Internet Service Providers
Content and electronic
media providers
Cable, mobile, digital
and satellite TV providers
Electronic communication
Service and digital products
Select Asseco CSE if you want to:
Asseco always provides its clients with the latest version of the system, a user interface adapted to various types of devices, automatic updates and full availability of the system during the implementation of changes.
Consistent view of customer data across all channels (self-service, CRM, Customer Service).
Information on all customer products and services - current, historical and forecast ("360 degrees").
The solution's architecture based on independent modules and micro services
The ability to increase the performance of a precisely defined function or component rather than the entire monolithic application.
Functionality of each module based on REST API.
Associated with the implementation of services and changes in software.
A convergent operator needs a comprehensive business support solution in order to meet customer requirements in terms of product offer and service quality.
Asseco CSE is an appropriate solution for a modern operator, which has to react quickly to market changes. It makes it possible to quickly build new offers and products and make them available to customers. Through the system you can easily manage marketing campaigns and loyalty programs. Asseco CSE will also allow you to create customer segments and model relations among them, enabling the development and settlement of products targeting various social groups.
ACSE components will enable, among others:
Asseco’s solution allows to improve the quality of customer service and to shape positive client experiences. With consistent user interfaces – CRM and SelfCare – you will gain full customer knowledge in all channels – self-service, CRM and Customer Service. In this way you will gain continuity of the sales process, create context offers and increase the probability of the customer purchasing the product.
Asseco CSE means efficient cooperation with individual and business clients. B2C – enables partnership offers to be added to the product portfolio, e.g. combining telecommunication services with the sales of gas, electricity, insurance, media and financial services. B2B – allows to offer Asseco CSE as a management platform for own clients. Provides integration of different data sources via Rest API.
Asseco CSE ensures effective management not only of business operations, but also of financial flows, tariffs and billing data together with payment service providers. It archives and unifies data, as well as enables the creation of wholesale billing, which allows for efficient and precise settlements with both individual customers and business partners.
Asseco CSE does not require the purchase of additional dedicated licenses, which means lower costs of implementation and subsequent maintenance of the solution. Importantly, the flexible licensing model of the system based on subscriptions allows for its development along with emerging needs, in accordance with the “pay as needs grow” principle. Increasing the scale of the solution does not require the purchase of a license for the technologies of a specific manufacturer. The system provides simple access to all data from the level of one system and full automation of processes related to invoicing, reporting, debt collection or communication with the customer. As a result, it allows to reduce operating costs and increase the efficiency of personnel work.
Owing to its modular, multi-layered architecture and the use of OpenSource technology, ACSE does not bind the operator with a single manufacturer, technology and the purchase of dedicated licenses. The individual elements of the solution are interchangeable and replaceable as technology evolves.
Asseco CSE is both a flexible implementation model which takes into account the entire solution, and individual modules that can be implemented independently in the client’s existing BSS environment. Adding new functionalities is done without disrupting the operating processes. Thanks to this, you can easily adapt the system to the current needs, scale of operations and changes taking place on the telecommunication market. In turn, easy integration of the system with other solutions will allow you to make Asseco CSE available to third parties. Flexibility, as well as open architecture, allow for easy integration with other systems and adding new functionalities without disrupting operational processes.
Asseco CSE meets the needs of telecoms,
offering an ecosystem of applications supporting the business area of telecommunication operators.
Flexible implementation models of Asseco CSE
In the customer's IT environment
Hybrid - in the cloud and customer environment
Entirely in the cloud
Select the SLA plan:
Select the SLA plan:
Select the SLA plan:
Asseco CSE ensures continuity of sales and service processes in each channel as well as comprehensive and up-to-date customer information.
Customer: CRM
CRM has been based on the philosophy of social networks, thus providing a consistent interface and range of information for all customer interaction channels:
Customer: SelfCare
Products: Central Product Catalogue
Full business potential of sales
The Central Product Catalogue is based on a common data model. It is a base of knowledge about products and commercial offer of the operator. It efficiently combines technical and structural information with data about costs to form the business backbone of sales.
The Central Product Catalogue also makes it possible to model complex product offers from different markets, offered by different types of suppliers. It provides the opportunity to create new sales opportunities through:
Sale: Order Management
Order management for products and services
It allows for efficient management of the entire process of ordering and delivering products and services together with the integration with the partner offer. Order Management may be used to generate and coordinate orders in billing, network, logistics and partner service platforms. It is integrated with:
Order Management also allows you to track the status of orders and notifications through such components as :
Settlements: Convergent Billing
Precise real-time billing
Convergent Billing is a flexible and modern tool to settle receivables for all types of services in real time. It significantly accelerates billing processes and ensures efficient management of accounts, calculation, valuation, invoicing and payments associated with various business models, including those carried out in cooperation with partners.
By providing full control over the resources used by products and services, it gives a comprehensive insight into the structure of the customer’s product. In addition, the product inventory is enriched with customer-related interactions such as order history, installation, parameter modifications, requests, etc.
The Resources module provides information about :
Integration: Rest API
Efficient communication between applications
The purpose of Rest API mechanisms is to increase the speed, reliability and efficiency of ACSE. Rest API allows for efficient communication between applications and enables modifications even while the system is running. It provides easy integration, management and control over the environment of internal micro services and external applications:
The system is designed for multi-channel sales of convergent products and customer service based on a 360-degree view.
Download the information brochure
Ask us for details
Asseco Poland S.A.
Telecommunications and Media Division
13 Branickiego Street
02-972, Warsaw
phone: +48 22 574 8150
email: [email protected]